Award Winner 2020
Boardman Tasker Award for Mountain Literature 2020
Our Congratulations to Jessica J. Lee for winning the Boardman Tasker Award for Mountain Literature 2020 with her book ‘Two Trees Make A Forest’.
A poetic and deeply moving account of Taiwan’s mountains, waters and forests that interweaves the author’s experiences of hiking with recollections of political, cultural and family histories, creating portraits of landscapes haunted by memory and longing.
Jessica J. Lee is a British-Canadian-Taiwanese author, environmental historian, and winner of the RBC Taylor Prize Emerging Author Award. She received a doctorate in environmental history and aesthetics in 2016, and her first book, Turning, was published in 2017.
If you’d like to read the speech from Katie Ives, the Chair of Judges, it’s available here.

Photos © Henry Iddon