A letter from Helen Y. Rolfe

Shortlisted author Helen Y. Rolfe sent us this letter:

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November 28, 2018

Dear Boardman Tasker Award Board of Trustees:

It is with a happy glow that I arrive back in Canada after experiencing the wonderful Kendal Mountain Festival, and in particular, the event for the Boardman Tasker Award. It was a privilege to be shortlisted and invited to attend. Thank you for making my trip possible. My conversation on stage with Stephen Venables was at first nerve-wracking then easy-going and enjoyable. The feedback from the jury was important and refreshing—it is not every day an author hears comments about their writing from such a high-level literary team. The audience was appreciative and lovely to converse with during the break, and they reminded me of exactly why I write—to share stories and connect with readers.

The energy in Kendal was totally upbeat, and I felt truly welcomed and part of the festival. Thank you, everyone, for the invitation to be there. The experience has already made me a better writer, and I now feel connected to the international world of wordsmiths.


Helen Y. Rolfe

Author of Honouring High Places: The Mountain Life of Junko Tabei