Image © Vertebrate Publishing
Hello Friends and Supporters of the Boardman Tasker Charitable Trust and the Award for Mountain Literature.
We hope you are all keeping safe and well at this very difficult time.
We just wanted to let you know that we are still running the Boardman Tasker Award for Mountain Literature for 2020.
The prize for 2020 will be £3,000 and will be awarded to the author of the best literary work, whether fiction or non-fiction, drama or poetry, the central theme of which is concerned with the mountain environment. The emphasis will be on literary merit and the judges may withhold the prize if they do not consider any entry to be of sufficient merit.
We are still receiving submissions and the judges are still judging! The last date for submissions is still Wednesday 15th July 2020 and we will make decisions with the judges about ‘What next….’ when we get to that closing date.
So please watch this space…
Steve Dean
Boardman Tasker Charitable Trust