Clean Everest

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Clean Everest is an annual initiative involving 50 Tibetan mountain guides, 100 Chinese and foreign volunteers climbers, collecting tons of high altitude waste and 50 yaks carrying them down.

The clean mountain charter was created in cooperation with Lhasa Mountain School, following first 100% Tibetan expedition in 2013. It is composed of 4 parts including Protection of Water, Waste treatment, Protection of Fauna and flora and Education.

“Pete and Joe would have thoroughly approved and supported this initiative, Clean Everest, they were both very aware of their own impact on the Everest region with the increasing numbers of expeditions and tourists in the region. People have always gone there to experience the beauty of the highest peak and looked up, but many ignored what they left behind as they continued their journey away from the mountain. This film clip really brings home the extent of the damage done and the corrective measures now in place, hopefully to be replicated in other honeypot areas of the Himalayas.”

Hilary Rhodes